Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Sticky Situation...

One of the most difficult situations that I have been in this semester has been the adjustment to college and making new friends.

I am not going to lie, it has not been easy for me adjusting to college and making new friends. The academic part of adjusting was never the problem; instead it has been the atmosphere and the lifestyle change. I have never been in a school with more than five or six hundred students total, so Southern is a huge change for me. My high school was fairly small, with a graduating class of one hundred and twenty or thirty something students. I was part of a very tight knit community, where everyone knew each other and we all shared a common bond (it is very hard to describe this). It was difficult accepting that I probably would not get to know everyone in my graduating class and it was very weird at first. Now I am getting more and more comfortable at Southern, my high school will always have a special place in my heart, but now my school is Southern!

Making friends has been quite a challenge. I am a quiet and shy person, I cannot help that, it is simply who I am and I have learned to accept myself that way! While being quiet is a gift, it can also have some negative impacts, especially when trying to make friends. I am proud to say that I have actually made friends with at least one person from each of my classes, and that is a big deal for me. I am gradually becoming closer to each of these individuals, and I am just taking my time.

I am also happy to say that I am beginning to get to know people more in our Inquiry class! I felt a little out of place at first but I feel like I am beginning to fit in a little more. I realize that some people may interpret my quietness as a snobby or rude person, but I truly do not intend for this to happen! I have promised myself to open up a bit more and make more friends, I know that it will be a slow process but I am confident that it will happen!

"The strong bonds formed at SHA shall ne'er in life be broken..." <3

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