Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grade Inflation

So what is grade inflation? Grade inflation is exactly what it sounds like; many universities have engaged in the act of raising students grades without merit. Many people argue that this practice is fair because students with lower averages have a harder time getting into graduate school or getting a job. Others oppose this idea by arguing that it is unfair and it gives students grades that they do not deserve.

Personally, I completely disagree with the idea of grade inflation. I never even knew something like this existed until I read the articles. It is ridiculous that any school give out higher grades so that the students look better when applying for a job. How can the person be qualified for a job if they did not even earn their grades?

This also raises the issue of unfairness. What happens to the students that actually earn their grades through hard work? They get nothing in return. I was never the perfect, straight A student, but I sure did have a lot of respect for those students. Many of my friends in high school had high honors which were constituted by a 3.8 GPA or above, but I did not. Like I said in an earlier post, it was not until my senior year that I made high honors and it took a lot of hard work and perseverance. That is something that no one can take away from me because I earned it!

Grade inflation is not fair to anyone. It is not fair to those that honestly earn their grade and it is not fair to those who essentially are cheating themselves out of a good education. You earn your grade; the same way you earn an A you earn an F. It may sound harsh but it is true. Work hard and earn your grades because this is how real life works, you get what you deserve, no one cares how hard you tried.

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