Saturday, October 30, 2010

Midterm Reflection

So far my grades are good! My grades consist of A’s and B’s, this is what I am looking for because I would like to maintain a high grade point average.

I have an A in my English class. We have only written one paper so this is a very small portion of what will eventually be a big picture. I enjoy writing and I feel that I will be able to excel in this class. I should not have too much of a problem. I have an A- in my Spanish 305 class and I am pleased, although I would like to raise that grade. I know that I need to increase my participation as it is 20% of our total grade.

I also have an A in my Sociology class. Although I have a good grade in this class I have to improve my reading technique. I do read the chapters, just not the way that they are assigned. I generally procrastinate and have a lot of reading and studying to do the night before a quiz. I have a B in math, and this is due to a low test score and a low midterm grade. Math is my hardest subject and to improve I have to study harder and get extra help when needed. I also have a B in Inquiry. This is due to a missed blogging assignment, a missed homework, and some lack of participation. I have to keep up with homework and make sure to post blogging assignments on time!

For the remainder of the semester I would like to maintain my grades and take the steps mentioned above to improve. I have never been a straight A student so it would be incredible if I could start out my college career with all A’s! It will not be easy, but if I really put myself to it I know I can accomplish it!

**Check out the article I linked about how to improve grades in college!

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