Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Great Blog!

What does make a good blog post?

In some ways I do not think I know the correct answer. Blogging was and still is very new to me. I occasionally read professional blogs related to the entertainment industry, nothing very deep or moving, and my own blog is a constant work in progress.

To me a good blog post must have several different components. First it must have a factor of intrigue. The title should be catchy so that it draws attention and makes people want to read the post. The post itself should be fairly interesting and it should give people a desire to read on and find out more about you. When a post is boring people will close the screen and move on to a better blog.

The post should also be of reasonable length. If it is to long people and drags on people will get bored, on the other hand, if it is to short it may not provide the reader with an adequate amount of information. Grammar is also very important. A blog may be considered informal writing, but regardless it should be grammatically correct. In my opinion it is unprofessional to present any type or work, especially writing, when slang terminology and spelling and grammatical errors are present.

Lastly the blog should also include picture and links. This makes the blog interactive and it allows the reader to seek more information and see visual aids. Links to outside sources provide the opportunity for readers to see what you are seeing and get your perspective. Pictures also allow the readers to know you on a more personal level and they provide visual representations of ideas that you may have.

These components are what make a blog post good to me: catchy, professional, and personal. Make your audience want to always come back for more. Be intriguing and fun, with that professionalism always poking through!

*Click on the link to see which blog is one of my favorites!*

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