Saturday, October 9, 2010

What I've Been Called To Do...

Ever since I was very young I have known what I want to do. I remember playing teacher at preschool and at home with my younger brother and sister. As I grew up I changed my mind constantly, but teaching always stayed with me. It was not until my sophomore year in high school that I realized my true calling, my vocation, was to be a teacher! For me it was a matter of deciding what grade level to teach and what subject area. So it was during my sophomore year that I began doing my research.

I began doing volunteer work at St. Francis & St. Rose of Lima school in New Haven. I tutored students in grades three to eight twice a week. Most of the students were learning English as a second language or were bilingual. I enjoyed tutoring the fifth grade students the most. I would work with one, two and sometimes groups of five or six. I loved the age level of the students and initially I thought I wanted to be a fifth grade teacher. After I spent several days in a fifth grade class room I realized I did not like having to teach all of the subjects and be in the same classroom all day.

Instead I began spending time observing middle school classes. I enjoyed the older students and the ability to teach a single subject and the possibility of having a home room and even a religion class made this grade level even more appealing. Along with middle school I also liked the high school level. Each level is very different. In middle school the students are quite young and they are essentially coming into their own and discovering who they are. While in high school the level of thinking is much higher and the discussions require a much deeper level of thinking.

At this point I have decided that I want to go into secondary education with a major in Spanish. I would like to work with inner city youth. I love business and maybe someday I can make that a part of my career. Right now this is what I want. I want to show the youth of America that no matter who you are or where you come from you can be what you want to be! I want to make a difference in the lives of as many young men and women as I can; I want to be a teacher!

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