Thursday, December 9, 2010

Success and Failure

As they say, with success comes failure, and that is certainly true for me. I have seen success in many areas and I have failed along the way.

My first semester has been a very interesting and mostly positive experience. I have certainly grown more independent and even more personally responsible than I was before. One of my greatest strengths this first semester has been academics. I have been able to maintain A’s and B’s in all five of my classes and this is a big deal for me. It was extremely important for me to start my college career strong because I do not want a repeat of the beginning of high school.

I have been able to maintain the balance between school and work. I have the ability to both attend school and work and not have to choose one over the other; both receive my best.  

Personally, I think my greatest weakness has been my lack of participation in class discussions. My personality is that of a more quiet and reserved person. I find it fairly difficult to talk out in class and I know that this is crucial for some classes. It is odd because I find that the smaller the class the easier it is for me to participate. It also helps when I know the people in my classes better.

My Spanish 305 class is the class that I participate most in. I attribute this mostly to my level of comfort in the class. I truly enjoy the class, there are only eleven people and we have all come to be friends, and I absolutely love my professor! I need to work on participating more in all of my classes.

Overall I am content with how my semester has gone so far. I still have work to do and with patience I will soon be where I want to be!

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