Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blogs That Interest Me!

Two blogs that I check up on are the PopWatch Blog and Blogamole. I usually look at these blogs once a week and/or when I am bored. Both of these blogs are about entertainment and celebrities, music, movies, and television shows.

PopWatch is an American blog written by Entertainment Weekly. It covers various topics: books, movies, music, television, and celebrities. The blog is geared toward people between the ages of fourteen and over. It appeals to teenagers because it is not difficult to understand and it talks about topics that they are interested in. It also appeals to adults because the writers often talk about past television shows, shows that they would currently be interested in (late night TV, etc.), and books by popular authors.

This blog has a more serious theme and it is fairly simple. The style of writing is uncomplicated and formal. It is easy to understand and there are generally no grammatical or spelling errors.

Blogamole is a “place to get the low down on Latin culture and entertainment news.” It is a blog written by Tr3s, the Spanish language channel for MTV. Blogamole is a very fun blog that talks about music, celebrities, and the latest entertainment news in the Latin world. It is geared towards teenagers and young adults (mostly Hispanic) because it covers topics that appeal to the “younger crowd.”

This blog is fun and easy to read. It is not as formal as most blogs because it is often written in English but switches to Spanish or uses Spanglish terms.

While both blogs are very different they are similar at the same time. They are great to read when you have free time and want to get in “the know.”   

Time Management

Time management is something that everyone has struggled with or is currently struggling with. In middle school procrastination was my middle name. I much preferred listening to the radio, watching a show, or fooling around with my brother and sister than actually doing homework. I would wait until the last possible moment and it was in high school that I realized that this tactic would no longer work. I struggled mightily my freshman year because of my poor time management and procrastination. I would wait until the night before to study for my tests and this simply did not cut it.

Going into my sophomore year I knew that things had to change. My parents sat with me and told me straight out that they would not continue to pay for Sacred Heart Academy if I was going to waste my education. So I decided to change my habits and start being a personally responsible student. I used my planner and wrote down every assignment. I reviewed my notes every night in preparation for future tests and I worked on projects over time instead of the few days before.

At times I would slack off, especially if I was not particularly fond of the class but seeing the good grades kept me motivated. Again, we see the connections between the readings in class and how they are interrelated. In order to change your habits and to succeed you have to be motivated. I was motivated by my parents, by my improving grades, and by my personal will to succeed. I want to become a teacher and I have a goal, in order to reach that ultimate goal I have to do well in school. In the end my hard work paid off, I graduated with High Honors my senior year and I maintained an A+ average in my Small Business Management class (the first class I had ever been able to do that in). Time management can make or break you in college. I have been able to manage my time in a way that gives me ample time to study, complete homework, and have free time.  Remember to prioritize, use a planner, and work over time. Do not procrastinate!

Image from

Saturday, September 11, 2010


College is all about change. The biggest obstacle I have faced over the past two weeks is a combination of many different things. The first would have to be making friends. I consider myself to be a very quiet and reserved person, naturally it is difficult for me to meet new people and open up right away. I am confident that in time I will start making good friends with my fellow students, instead of just acquaintances.

The second biggest obstacle that I have faced is the transition itself. I am the type of person that settles into something and has a hard time adjusting to big changes. I came from a fairly small, all girls high school (127 members in the class of 2010), to me Southern is absolutely huge! It was overwhelming at first and I wondered exactly what it was that I had gotten myself into. I was afraid of what people might think of me and I was terrified of getting lost and not being able to find my classes. However, I faced my fears and now I am adjusting and I am beginning to love it more and more each day.

It is important to know that valuable lessons can be learned from these experiences. The most important thing that you should know is that change can sometimes be a good thing. Even though change may be very hard for you, you should face it and work hard to overcome that obstacle. Being here at Southern has taught me to embrace change! I want to get involved and I want to meet people and make new friends.
Chinese symbol for "change"

Our New Digital World

One of our inquiry assignments required us to look up and read several articles, some about technology and others about success. The one that caught my attention the most was the article entitled "The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In." This article was mainly about the negative effects that technology can have on young children.

In today's society technology is what we are about. While technology is positive in many ways, it can also be harmful. In my opinion there is currently a fight between children and technology and which one gets the most attention from parents. I have witnessed parent’s texting in elevators or restaurants with their children at their side calling their name and being ignored. This should never happen! How have we allowed ourselves to be controlled by society?

A striking statement made in the article shocked and angered me. A woman actually had to be asked by her son to stop using the computer. A 3 1/2 year old child actually has to set a timer on the microwave so that his mother can spend time with him! This leads me to my next set of questions: Do adults have self-control? Does technology have such a strong hold on people that they are willing to risk a relationship with their children?

This article has forced me to think about my own habits when it comes to technology. I realized that I should spend less time on the internet and texting and give my mind a true break. I do not want to be so obsessed with technology that I neglect my kids to play with my phone. Technology is a wonderful tool that can be used for good, but as we have seen it also has its negative effects. Use technology, but never forget that there are more important things in life!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

So...What Is College?

Everyone has a different definition for the term college. To me, college is a place where you go to learn and to grow. You grow academically, socially, and personally. It is essentially your journey to adulthood. Being a college student means that I am making all or most of my own decisions. There will not be a professor reminding me about due dates or missed work due to an absence. I will be responsible for me!

Academically I expect to do well in all of my classes. The expectations in college are held very high and I feel that my high school adequately prepared me for college. I look forward to the challenges of college work.

Socially I would like to meet new people and make new friends. I am a fairly shy person and it can be difficult for me. In college I am hoping to gradually step outside of my comfort zone and do things that I do not normally do.

Finally I want to grow as an individual. During orientation we were told many times that Southern has many unique people that all leave their mark at Southern. I want to do the same thing; my goal is to leave my own small mark at SCSU. I will strive to become an involved student and reach my full potential here at this university!

What Defines Me...

1. Family!

My family is the most important aspect of my life! They have been my guiding light and they have raised me to be who I am today. They have stood by me through birthday parties, trips, and graduations, the happiest and most memorable times in life. They remained by my side for the tragedies that life brings us, the deaths of loved ones, and unwanted change. Through it all they have remained supportive and regardless of what my future holds I know that they will always be right here by my side.

2. Friends

I consider my friends a part of my extended family. They brighten my days and stick by me through thick and thin. My best friend, Kristyn, is like my sister! She has always been there for me in the toughest times and during the happiest times. We have withstood the test of distance and it has made our friendship stronger than ever. She has shown me what a true friend is and I consider myself blessed to have met her and remained her friend over these years. Now we begin our journey as college students!

3. Culture

My culture has helped to make me who I am. I am Italian and Colombian and I wear my pride on my sleeve. I have learned to appreciate all types of people. My culture has allowed me to learn the Spanish language and be a part of two different worlds. Being bicultural is truly a gift!

4. Music

Music is my escape. It brings me to another world where I can forget about my problems and hide even if it is for only five minutes. My taste in music is varied. I listen to Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, some Rock, some Rap, Reggaeton, Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, and Vallenato. Music is also representative of who I am and I love it!

5. Sports

I am not an athlete, yet I love to watch sports! Baseball is my all time favorite, but I also love football, hockey, basketball, and soccer. I am in favor of Boston – Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots, etc. I greatly admire and respect athletes and I feel that they represent true dedication, passion, and resilience. I love sports!