Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our New Digital World

One of our inquiry assignments required us to look up and read several articles, some about technology and others about success. The one that caught my attention the most was the article entitled "The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In." This article was mainly about the negative effects that technology can have on young children.

In today's society technology is what we are about. While technology is positive in many ways, it can also be harmful. In my opinion there is currently a fight between children and technology and which one gets the most attention from parents. I have witnessed parent’s texting in elevators or restaurants with their children at their side calling their name and being ignored. This should never happen! How have we allowed ourselves to be controlled by society?

A striking statement made in the article shocked and angered me. A woman actually had to be asked by her son to stop using the computer. A 3 1/2 year old child actually has to set a timer on the microwave so that his mother can spend time with him! This leads me to my next set of questions: Do adults have self-control? Does technology have such a strong hold on people that they are willing to risk a relationship with their children?

This article has forced me to think about my own habits when it comes to technology. I realized that I should spend less time on the internet and texting and give my mind a true break. I do not want to be so obsessed with technology that I neglect my kids to play with my phone. Technology is a wonderful tool that can be used for good, but as we have seen it also has its negative effects. Use technology, but never forget that there are more important things in life!

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