Saturday, September 25, 2010

Time Management

Time management is something that everyone has struggled with or is currently struggling with. In middle school procrastination was my middle name. I much preferred listening to the radio, watching a show, or fooling around with my brother and sister than actually doing homework. I would wait until the last possible moment and it was in high school that I realized that this tactic would no longer work. I struggled mightily my freshman year because of my poor time management and procrastination. I would wait until the night before to study for my tests and this simply did not cut it.

Going into my sophomore year I knew that things had to change. My parents sat with me and told me straight out that they would not continue to pay for Sacred Heart Academy if I was going to waste my education. So I decided to change my habits and start being a personally responsible student. I used my planner and wrote down every assignment. I reviewed my notes every night in preparation for future tests and I worked on projects over time instead of the few days before.

At times I would slack off, especially if I was not particularly fond of the class but seeing the good grades kept me motivated. Again, we see the connections between the readings in class and how they are interrelated. In order to change your habits and to succeed you have to be motivated. I was motivated by my parents, by my improving grades, and by my personal will to succeed. I want to become a teacher and I have a goal, in order to reach that ultimate goal I have to do well in school. In the end my hard work paid off, I graduated with High Honors my senior year and I maintained an A+ average in my Small Business Management class (the first class I had ever been able to do that in). Time management can make or break you in college. I have been able to manage my time in a way that gives me ample time to study, complete homework, and have free time.  Remember to prioritize, use a planner, and work over time. Do not procrastinate!

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