Saturday, September 4, 2010

What Defines Me...

1. Family!

My family is the most important aspect of my life! They have been my guiding light and they have raised me to be who I am today. They have stood by me through birthday parties, trips, and graduations, the happiest and most memorable times in life. They remained by my side for the tragedies that life brings us, the deaths of loved ones, and unwanted change. Through it all they have remained supportive and regardless of what my future holds I know that they will always be right here by my side.

2. Friends

I consider my friends a part of my extended family. They brighten my days and stick by me through thick and thin. My best friend, Kristyn, is like my sister! She has always been there for me in the toughest times and during the happiest times. We have withstood the test of distance and it has made our friendship stronger than ever. She has shown me what a true friend is and I consider myself blessed to have met her and remained her friend over these years. Now we begin our journey as college students!

3. Culture

My culture has helped to make me who I am. I am Italian and Colombian and I wear my pride on my sleeve. I have learned to appreciate all types of people. My culture has allowed me to learn the Spanish language and be a part of two different worlds. Being bicultural is truly a gift!

4. Music

Music is my escape. It brings me to another world where I can forget about my problems and hide even if it is for only five minutes. My taste in music is varied. I listen to Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, some Rock, some Rap, Reggaeton, Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, and Vallenato. Music is also representative of who I am and I love it!

5. Sports

I am not an athlete, yet I love to watch sports! Baseball is my all time favorite, but I also love football, hockey, basketball, and soccer. I am in favor of Boston – Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots, etc. I greatly admire and respect athletes and I feel that they represent true dedication, passion, and resilience. I love sports!

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